Search for all files modified in the last N days containing a specific text in their name
find DIR -mtime -N -name “*TEXT*”
For example:
find ~ -mtime -5 -name “*log*”
Will display all the files modified in the past 5 days which include the text ‘log’ in their filename.
Determine which processes use the most memory
ps aux | sort -nk 4 | tail
Will show the first 10 processes which use the most memory, using ascendant sorting. Alternately:
ps aux | sort -nrk 4 | head
Will show the first 10 processes using most memory, using descendent sorting.
Display the username which is currently logged in
Show date using format modifiers
date +”%H:%M:%S”
Will output time in format HOUR:MINUTE:SECOND. You can use any format specifiers explained in the man page. The double quotes are required in case you need to use spaces.
Show info about a specific user
finger $USER
Show disk usage separately for each partition
df -h
The -h switch will tell df to show human-readable sizes (KB, MB and GB when it is the case)
df -B 1K
Will show sizes in kilobytes.
Show which modules are loaded
Add or remove a module to/from the Linux kernel
Insert a module:
modprobe MODULE
Remove a module:
modprobe -r MODULE
Search for a file using locate
Will search the locate database (created with updatedb) for any path or file which contains FILENAME.
Change the encoding of a text file
For example:
iconv -f ISO-8859-16 -t UTF-8 myfile.txt
Will change the encoding of myfile.txt from ISO-8859-16 (Romanian) to UTF-8.