What you need…..

A USB flash drive

and this


Download above unrar and move ‘SAS_20206174.COM’ to your flash drive keep your flash
drive in a safe place.

if you think you are infected with some beasties or you get one of those fake anti-malware
programs that will no let you do a anything and try to force you to buy the fake anti malware
program …do the following

restart pc as soon as it starts up tap F8

this will bring up a black screen with options how to start windows …

Choose ‘start windows in safe mode with networking’ by using the up/down arrows and then
press enter

another black screen will appear and lots of C:/windows/…….etc. will appear on the screen
don’t panic this is correct what we are doing is just loading windows drivers with your
network connection drivers as well ….

Windows will start usually very big icon again don’t panic thats normal because you graphics
driver has not been loaded

now put your flash drive in a usb slot and then open the drive double click ‘SAS_20206174.COM’
superantispyware will run and install as portable (portables will run from any removable media)
update it (why you started with networking) and simply run a full scan it will remove any beasties
you have if you are infected it will ask you to restart and everything will be back to normal !!!

I have saved several pc’s using this its awesome!!!

Note: In my opinion, please, NEVER turn off you anti-virus or firewall to install a
game or app its crazy there is no such thing as a false positive its infected don’t use it.

Hope this helps


Thank You.

Posted by subashstha

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